Mish Hall Mish Hall


Falsely viewed more times than not is the purpose and reasoning in creating your own personalized birth plan. Although it’s generally brought up in most Ob visits at some point in pregnancy, it’s quickly followed by a disclaimer. “Your birth plan is by no means the promise of how your labor and delivery will unfold.” Grant it, that may hold some truth , I personally believe it’s not a good perspective at all. Yes, we do not possess the ability to choose our exact life layout, but we do have the privilege of knowledge and choice. With that comes a great advantage in the overall outcome of whatever we are attempting to achieve. You maybe a first time Mom, or embarking your fifth child either way having a written , thought-out plan is a stepping stone in reaching a successful labor and delivery. Answering important questions in a calm , non rushed manner with the freedom to think through and research your answer until your heart is at ease with your choices. Rapid fire questions in the heat of labor is the last thing any Mama should have to think about. Having a birth plan is simply a pre thought out , physical prep to help pave the way to a smooth experience. When it comes to labor some of the greatest anxieties simply come from fear of the unknown. View yourself as the one in charge, lay out your desired course, turn that over to your support team and together we work to accomplish a satisfying experience you can look back on with the fondest memories.

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Mish Hall Mish Hall

Doulas are the bridesmaids of the birth world……

Life is full of huge events that are full of different supporting actors but the one thing that always remains the same is …..You! The main character in every part of your life. When we get married we choose bridesmaids to rally around us and help make our special day all that it can be. Birth is no different, you deserve a strong hype team walking right beside you and supporting you through yet another monumental experience in life. So many times Moms walk into this journey alone, maybe not physically but mentally shouldering the weight of motherhood, labor and birth. That doesn’t have to be the case at all. Doulas are the bridesmaids of the birth world.

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